Return to the Roots / Siedler 2.5

Return to the Roots

Return to the Roots or RttR is an open source add-on type of remake of The Settlers II. This means it requires the original game files in order to work as Ubisoft did not give Settlers Freaks (the group developing RttR) a permission to redistribute the files. This means you need The Settlers II: Gold Edition for RttR to work.

Return to the Roots supports multiple operating systems, being playable on Windows 10, 7, Vista & XP as well as Mac OS X and Linux. RttR adds a few features from limiting the total amount of catapults a player can build to fully working Internet multiplayer. Playing in Internet Lobby requires you to register at RttR forums, but you can also setup Direct IP games. AI is also in development, but the main attraction is the multiplayer.

The New People

Meet the Babylonians!

Download & community

You can find latest stable releases and nightly builds at RttR download page.

Help developing game, create graphics, report bugs

Visit the RttR GitHub repository! You can also join the Discord channel to ask how you can help, and how to do things.

Help translating & proof reading

The game language strings are changeable at Launchpad. You need to register there to be able to do new suggestions. The English language is in need of a native level speaker to correct mistakes! RttR developer needs to accept your suggestions before they are used in the game, it is good to communicate through Discord or RttR forum.
