Mission Resource Text

Each setting on this page is followed by numeric parameters (except for !ENABLE_ALL_HOUSES).

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These values set the basic map information from defining the players to their alliances and the graphics used.


    Sets active map (200 to 209)


    Sets which MIS_#_BOBS.LST file to use for special mission only graphics (0 to 5)


    1. 2 graphics
    2. 10 graphics
    3. 5 graphics
    4. 1 graphic
    5. 1 graphic
    6. 4 graphics
  • !GLOBAL_SET_HQ_BOBS #, #, #

    Changes headquarters graphic.

    First number is internal file ID for a graphic from loaded MIS#BOBS.LST file. Trying to give other than graphic will crash the game.

    Second number if shadow graphic.

    Third number is yet unknown.


    Adds a computer player.

    First value = player color (1 to 6):

    1. Blue (human player only)
    2. Yellow
    3. Red
    4. Purple
    5. Grey
    6. Green
    7. Orange

    Second value = which person (0 to 11):

    1. Octavianus (human player is always Octavianus)
    2. Julius
    3. Brutus
    4. Erik
    5. Knut
    6. Olof
    7. Yamauchi
    8. Tsunami
    9. Hakirawashi
    10. Shaka
    11. Todo
    12. Mnga Tscha 

    Sets which DATA\TXT\MISS_0##.RTX file to use (1 to 10)


    Disallows AI players to build buildings within that area.

    Numeric parameters are as follows:

    1. Radius Should be atleast 10 or more. Otherwise AI might build a fortress right at the edge thus claiming the land covered by the barrier anyway.
    2. X location of barrier on the map.
    3. Y location of barrier on the map.

    Sets alliance between ALL players (not only between computer players).


  • !SET_HOUSE # # #
    Adds a building (ie. 24 = headquarters) to specified X & Y position.
    Allows currently active player to build given building type.
    Allows building all building types.
    Removes building type from being available to build.
  • !ADD_WARE # #
    Sets resource’s amount for active player. The first value is a type ID that ranges from 0 to 30.
  • !ADD_PEOPLE # #
    Like resources but with worker types. The type ID values range from 0 to 29 where last five values set the amount of soldiers of each type.
    Changes the active player for which the above rules apply. When this is not yet given the rules apply to human player (player 0).
  • !ADD_ANIMAL # # #
    Adds animal (0 to 9) to given X & Y location.

Scripted mission events



This is an optional end of file, sometimes with an additional 0x1A as the last character of the file. If you wish to type it you can push ALT + 0026 (using numbers on the numpad). However since this is optional the file will work fine without.
