Improving Charburner for Babylonians

Charburner is a unique addition in Return to the Roots. There was an existing old artwork for the building:

So I went ahead and improved it step-by-step, using the Storehouse wall and roof style:

The original graphic kind of works as an example of what happens when you try to have too much detail: it becomes so busy you can no longer tell what you can see. I simplified the building to the Storehouse style as it was a successful one and removed some roughness by using more colors of the palette. The building’s color is no longer too close to the wheat’s color so that makes it easier to distinguish the elements. As the roof is much lighter you can see the darker elements on the roof. I used some shading and shadowing techniques to make the pick-axe more visible. I also removed handles from the water buckets to reduce detail that didn’t matter.

If nothing else I hope this kind of postings give inspiration for someone to start learning pixelart.
